AIMA step in improving services for Migrants

Portugal — AIMA is Working The Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum (AIMA) portal will allow the submission of applications for residence permits for family reunification, according to a regulatory decree published yesterday .

With this new regulatory decree, it will be possible to “make digital services available on the AIMA Portal, for sending, receiving and paying for residence permit applications, eliminating scheduling and travel” to physical locations, “freeing employees from tasks without added value, such as the processing of payment of fees”.

Soon, AIMA promises, digital services will be made available on the portal “starting, as already announced, with requests for residence permits for family reunification”.

Family reunification processes have been one of the main reasons for complaints from legal immigrants in Portugal, who accuse the country of violating its own laws and international agreements by not granting tens of thousands of pending requests.

Source : Immigration Portugal

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