Increased Family Allowance In Portugal

Portugal— Social Security will be paid today by bank transfer and postal order, family allowance, including the increases foreseen in the State Budget.

“On January 16th, the family benefit is paid at an updated value. If you are a beneficiary, register or keep your IBAN updated with Social Security Direct”, announced the Ministry of Labour.

In the State Budget for this year, a “structural reinforcement” of this social benefit was foreseen, with a basic increase of €22.

This is the equivalent of an additional 264 euros per year, highlighted the Government, in the report it delivered to Parliament.

“In this way, there is a real and significant increase in family benefit payments. This increase is intended to integrate the extraordinary support of 15 euros per month allocated throughout 2023, as well as reflect the evolution of prices for the essential food basket”, explained António Costa’s Executive.

Source — Immigration Portugal

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